My Posse, Wingmen, Jewish Art Gallery on Green Street

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Good morning. Sorry last night about the Canon D60 seminar I guess I will call it. I was a little too buzzed to start discussing that great camera I’ve been using.

But let’s get to last night. Last night of course was Thursday night, Greene Street, Mercer Street, about four different gallery parties.

I picked up a new man last night as one of my wing man entourage or my posse. Nice Jewish guy, I like to call him Steve Schwartz. He’s in the middle of a separation, hasn’t been dating for five years. I like to take guys out like that because it gets them out there. It’s easy to meet people because we’re doing the Portraits of New York. In fact, this guy was talking to all the girls about Portraits of New York better than I could. So he’s a new wingman hopefully we’ll hang around for a while.

I went to a Russian gallery last night. What’s really good about these Russian galleries on Greene Street, they have artists that come over from Russia and I’ll tell you, I see a lot of art work. The paintings they do were so realistic that you just stand there and stare at them. You would think someone like me would get art after photographing 300 art galleries, taking pictures but sometimes I just totally stop in amazement.

Anyway, me, Steve Schwartz and Johnny Skyscraper were out last night. I’m keeping my eye on Johnny Skyscraper because of the Russian vodka and the beers he might have had before he got there.

Yesterday of course was taking pictures 35th, 36th. To change it up a bit, I’ve been going up seriously close. When the sun is directly behind me, I could shut the flash off and do a direct head shot from three feet away to two feet.

These are very intense facial expressions because they’re right on top of me. This I’ll probably be doing for the next couple of days when the sun comes around to the south of me and could do that for about three hours. So, I’m trying to break up this boring – well, it’s not a boring street but it’s the same thing, same thing, same thing. So, I’m trying to utilize that sun in crowds of people.

I’ll be talking probably tomorrow more about the D60, that’s the new Canon SLR, amazing HD video.

Signing off.