Rich People’s Art Show Openings, Tall Beautiful People at the Campbell House

There are a lot of rich people in New York City. I love these rich people. They have nothing to do so they become artists or photographers or sculptors or whatever. Anyway, there’s a lot of art galleries that do shows for these people because they spend a ton of money and they could have their own art show. Every once in a while, I get a call to cover one of them and last night – Monday – was one of them.

It was in Soho, great wine, cheese, all these people dressed up and there was art on the wall that I couldn’t make heads or tails of. I’ve even invited a couple of my friends. Whenever we have these events, I usually invite a couple of friends, have the wine ande cheese, meet some girls and whatever. But I just love photographing these people looking at this art and pretending they like it. I don’t know, maybe they do like it. But anyway, me and one of my friends hung out for a while, took some pictures, pose people next to the pictures. They’re actually funny.

But after that, my lawyer friend took me to a place called the Campbell House. That’s in Grand Central Station, it’s a kind of a prestigious bar. It’s been there forever and he knows all the people there and it’s really cool. Everyone’s good looking. I’m actually six foot tall, I’m like shorter than everyone. All the girls are like six foot and all the guys are like six foot three and four, all handsome. They’re not models they’re just handsome people. I usually bang off some shots there.

Anyway, there were some fascinating beautiful women there that were talking to me. I’m 55 years old and that’s exciting for me. Anyway, we gave out a bunch of cards and had a lot of conversations and then I went home.