Wine Sampling

Happy Rosh Hashanah for all you Jewish folks out there.

Anyway, last night was a very good night for me. I didn’t go to parties in about four days. I usually do between four and five a week. This was good, I did two last night. One was a place called Wine Down. That’s a wine company that throws these wine parties where they bring wines from around the country.

It’s wine sampling but they kind of like give you a full glass and sell it. Better than the wine testing thing. They have very good cheeses and it’s a good group of people there and a lot of people are so excited because it seems like the people that go there’s the first time they’ve been to one. There’s an entrance fee but a lot of people still go.

Got a lot of great pictures, something exciting but the one before that was at a gallery. I love going to the gallery parties because I love looking at art and of course, I love the wine. I haven’t been drinking the last few days because my kids started school and I had to really be a parent.

So anyway, getting back to the art gallery, if you look on the website, you’ll see a lot of great paintings or photographs and nice frames. But what I like to do, I find a very handsome man and a gorgeous woman and I like to put them on each side of the painting and photograph, like a frame around a frame. It’s like great eye candy. You’re looking at this great painting and then there’s a gorgeous woman on one side, a great looking guy on the other or sometimes I get two beautiful women or two good looking guys.

The people who go to these art openings – they seem to get dressed up in their own style. Like there’s a hippie guy who goes and just look the art. But then people make a night of it. Again, for the fashion of New York, it’s a cool look.

Anyway, I drank my four glasses of wine in each event, got my buzz on, I was home by 11. I met a bunch of friends there because when I get these emails, I tell everybody and it was great. I would like to elaborate on this more but that was just one of those normal nights.

Signing off. Once again, Happy Rosh Hashanah for all you Jewish folks.