Johnny Skyscraper with Tourette Syndrome

Party 975, probably more.

Anyway, before I talk about the party I want to talk about my connections to these parties. I have lawyers, stock brokers, actors, artists – there’s a bunch of us, I’m kind of an artist and we all email each other when there’s some great event that we get emailed.

I want to talk about my one friend. He’s a stock broker, was very successful, 6’3″, super good looking, incredible suits. I’ll call him Johnny Skyscraper. He’s great. He gets me to these great events. Last night was a new line of vodka like eight flavors and this big party thrown for it. I really hate vodka especially with flavoring in it.

But anyway, this friend, Johnny Skyscraper of mine is my most funniest wingman. He has – I would have to call it – advanced Tourette syndrome – only when he drinks. He could drink wine all night, he could drink vodka all night – he’s fine. But once he mixes one drink, he loses it. But very calmly, we could be in a great group of people, three girls, three guys and having a great conversation, things are running smooth. He’d just love to stare at them.

In fact, when I walk up to a door at a bar, if there’s any problem getting in, he just says, “We’re from Portraits of New York, this is my photographer. We want to cover the event.” We’re in. That’s the positive side.

The negative side, as I was saying will be with a group of people, everything’s fine and he’ll look at the one girl and say, “You have nice tits,” just out of the blue and everyone gets real quiet and I kind of laugh it off and then I know it’s countdown time for Scott. Either get him out of there or get me out of there.

I guess the funniest thing he ever did – we’re at the Actors’ Temple, it’s an old Jewish temple converted into like kind of a party hall. A lot of the Jewish actors go there, like the B actors. So, we went to a big party and it was great. People playing the piano, barbeque outside, everything’s running smooth, Scott’s having his cocktail, I’m keeping an eye on him and all of a sudden out of the blue like he’s on stage in a theater he goes, “My cock wants some pusssssssy!” He said it like he’s right out of a play. There’s about maybe 80 people that got really quiet then I had to get him out of there.

Anyway, Johnny Skyscraper showed up, my lawyer friend and two other people. because they like these events – you know, the free vodka, hors d’oeuvres, a lot of girls. That’s what these guys go there for.

Anyway, a lot of my friends won’t go to parties if Johnny Skyscraper is there because some of them are normal people and they get nervous when Scott gets a little weird but I promise everyone Scott’s going to be a good boy and Scott promised me – not Scott, excuse me, Johnny Skyscraper. That’s funny.

Anyway, it’s just one of those normal events. Everyone’s drinking, getting very drunk because the vodka is free. Johnny Skyscraper’s starting to get that glaze in his eyes even though it’s just straight vodka, I think he slipped a beer in and he starts giving me that smirk like he’s going to do something. Not like physically just like say something, he goofs with me.

Well, we all had a pretty good time. One of my friends met some girl and maybe had a one night stand or he got her number but they took off. My other lawyer friend took off when he’s seen Scott’s glaze and I got home early. Nothing really exciting but I got to talk about Johnny Skyscraper.

I’m going to the city right now. Talk to you guys today. Signing off.